
Monday 27 February 2017

Colour Theme Week

Its 'colour theme' week again and they are lovely Spring-like colours!  Continuing with my *scalloped banner*  I have added a *bird* and some little *flowers* and did the background in the lovely bright yellow of the choice.

After painting the base in the bright yellow I dabbed some blue through the pretty *fern mask*.  When that was dry I mixed some green into some *modelling paste* and applied that through the same mask.  The little flowers, bird and branch have been painted to match the other colours in the theme.  Like the others I have done, I added a tassel.

Thank you for coming to see us, do pop back, Hugs, Karen x

Sunday 26 February 2017

Anything Goes with Lisa

Hi folks, Lisa here and welcome to my Tando post. The theme this week is Anything Goes and I chose the Tando large segment clock to play with. 

Here is what I made...

I first painted the background piece of the clock with DecoArt black gesso and the segment part of the clock with a quick coat of DecoArt white gesso. 

I applied a coat of DecoArt crackle paint to the front segment part of the clock and left it to dry.
I then applied DecoArt Carbon Black Antiquing Cream, rubbing it in to the cracks then cleaning off the excess with a damp tissue. 

On the background part of the clock I applied DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Red, Colbalt Teal, and Primary Yellow in vertical stripes on the clock.

When the paint was dry, I used Andy Skinner's Fossil mask and DecoArt white modelling paste to create 3 different images. When the modelling paste was dry I brushed over it with watered down Colbalt Teal. 

I painted the roman numerals with black gesso, then inked them and added Stampendous Aged Ivory Embossing Enamel.

Thank you for popping by. If you would like to pop over to my blog the link is here

Toodles for now,
Lisa xxx

Here is everything I used on this project and they are all available on the Tando website

Segment Clock Large   Fluid Acrylics: Cadmium Orange    Fluid Acrylics: Cadmium Red   Fluid Acrylics: Cobalt Teal   Fluid Acrylics: Primary Yellow   Media: White Crackle PAINT   Media: Black Gesso   Media: White Gesso    Media: White Modelling Paste  Media Antiquing: Carbon Black   A Skinner Stencil - FOSSIL

Friday 24 February 2017

Free for all week: Tropical house

Hello my dear crafty friends and welcome to my last February Tando post.
This chipboard Tando house was in my stash for ages. I never tried to do anything with it as I don't have a space to show it.
 But when my lovely 3 years old grand daughter asked if I can make her a house, this was like " yes, dear, I will do one for you".
So  I made her a tropical house as we live in  pretty much tropical weather, using Scrapberry's Tropical paper collection.
Each single piece was painted. I used Bamboo background mask to make the bamboo images over the front of this tropical house.
The roof was paper covered and I added the paper fence and some Tando chipboard flowers.
The three years old is very glad with the house.
I am very glad that I finally used my Tando older stash for this Anything goes week.

 Tando products used:
3d House
3D House (2 for 1)

Tando minis Flowers
Tando Mini's - Flowers

Bamboo background mask
Bamboo Background Mask

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Anything goes by Dee

Hi everyone Dee here with my post for anything goes.
I used the lovely Tando abc's for this piece which
I coated with Black gesso.
I followed this with Deco Art media crackle paint
the sides were given a bit of texture sand 
The Tando heart was created with deco art materials 
and gold pigment powder.
Under the heart is a piece of art from a scrap of paper
that I had been playing with crackle pastes.
Caution is from a Andy skinners stamp.
I hope you have all enjoyed my ATC today
please let me know what you think.
Cheers Dee X

Products Used

  1. Tando Products used:- grey board ATC's, Texture hearts the small hearts.
  2. Stampendous Products used:-  Toxic rubber stamp set.
  3. Deco art acrylics and media crackle pastes.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Anything Goes - Long Tag

Hi friends! Dana here today sharing a long tag for the Anything Goes theme this week. There are some days where I need just a little bit of extra motivation to get going and I think this tag will help a great deal.

I primed a Long Tag with DecoArt White Gesso. I then added color with a mix of Tattered Angels products: Red-Orange Shimmers, Goldenrod Shimmers, Waterfall Glimmer Glaze, Turquoise Blue Glimmer Mist, and lastly a splattering of Chalk Chalkboard Mist. Once the color was dry I stamped a sun onto the bottom of the tag with watermark ink and then heat embossed Stampendous! Spoonful of Gold Dust on top. I used a gold paint pen to highlight the edges of the tag. I used a fun mix of black letter stickers to spell out a quote by William C. Hannan; The day will be what you make it, so rise, like the sun, and burn. I finished this piece by attaching a bright yellow tassel through the hole at the top of the tag.

You can find the chipboard I used for this project, and a wonderful selection of Stampendous and DecoArt products, in the Tando Creative Retail Store. We'd love to see your creativity! Share your work with us in Tando's Creative Zone on Facebook.

Monday 20 February 2017

Anything Goes - Feb

I'm kicking off February's Anything Goes week  with the card I made for my Dad's birthday.

I started by using a piece of the {Grid Round}  that I'd previously soaked and split and sprayed with spray ink. I then painted some {Mini Stars} and a {Mini Balloon} and doodled on them.

The base of the card and the jagged strip are cut from gelli prints. I've inked through the {Tyres Stencil} on the card base and then assembled all the bits and pieces, finishing with a Digi image and a greeting.

Kaz xxx

Sunday 19 February 2017

Love tag by Gez ♥

Love is most definitely in the air as the designers have been sharing their love inspired creations all this week.

Today it's my turn and I am delighted to be sharing this little project with you!

Here is my love conquers all tag ♥

I started with one of the set of 5 [Long Tags] and gave it various coats of DecoArts [Fluid acrylics] 

I left the tag to dry and painted 3 cogs from the [Heart Cogs Mix] then added a coat of [Clear Crackle Glaze] 

Everything dried fairly quickly and I assembled my tag adding some of the gorgeous [Spoonful of RUST] to the finished tag, where I added it to the hearts I sealed it in with a thick coating of clear glue.

Thank you for calling, I hope you like my tag ♥

Happy creating, Gez ♥ 

Love & Hearts with Lisa

Hi folks, Lisa here and welcome to my make for this weeks Tando challenge. The theme, with it being Valentine's Day this week is 'Love & Hearts'.

Here is what I came up with...

I used the one of the Tando long tags(These come in a pack of 5 and are 190mm x 75mm) and two hearts from the Tando grab bag of hearts. Along with letters from the Block Serif alpha sheet.

Firstly, I gave all the Tando pieces a quick coat of DecoArt White Gesso
I applied a thick coat of DecoArt Crackle Paint to the centre of the tag and on the solid heart shape. And applied DecoArt Texture Sand Paste around the outside of the tag and on the bigger heart. 

I then painted the tag with Cadmium Orange, Primary Magenta, and Napthol Red Light DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics drying the layers of colours in between.

I painted the larger heart with the two red colours and gave the solid heart shape another coat of white gesso. 

When the tag was dry I added some stamping using black ink.

On the solid heart and in the centre of the tag I rubbed over some DecoArt Carbon Black Antiquing Cream, then buffed off the excess. 

I gathered a selection of ribbons and coloured them using the paint. I added some of the ribbon to the top of the tag and used the thick cord underneath the solid heart shape.

I used the Block Serif alpha sheet to spell the word 'love' which I covered in ink the used Stampendous Aged Ivory Embossing Enamel over the top. 

Thanks for popping by the Tando blog today, if you want to pop over to my blog here is the link
Hope to see you again soon.
Lisa xxx

All the products I have used are below and are available on the
Tando Website.

Set of 5 Long Tags    Grab Bag of Hearts   Media Antiquing: Carbon Black    Media: White Crackle PAINT   Media: Texture Sand Paste   Media: White Gesso   Fluid Acrylics: Cadmium Orange   Fluid Acrylics: Primary Magenta   Fluid Acrylics: Napthol Red Light