Saturday 6 February 2021

Project: Artists in Residence - Feb 2021

Good evening  Tando-ettes,

I hope you are all well and getting through the lockdown as best you can. I'm finding this weird time (with soooooo much time on my hands) a really productive time in my art. 

Di has been really busy (in the Tando Bunker for the Creatively Insane) and keeping us all entertained with the amount of new products, projects and ideas (some of which the DT haven't even seen yet! but they'll be on Hochanda soon). We all seem to be bouncing off each others creative juices and its such fun.

I spent time getting my 2021 planner up to date this week. It's really helped me organise my head. I'm terrible with a deadline. Always have been. I leave everything to the day/night before, because that is how my creativity works its best. I do plan, but its all in my head. It means that when it comes to something like a facebook 'live' it feels more natural. If I have to read crib notes I tend to stall. It used to drive my bosses mad (when I worked in an office) if I had to give a presentation because I had no notes. Props is another story though. I love a prop, especially a funny one! and I love interaction from whoever I'm presenting to. If you've watched any of my Tando fb lives, you'll know what I mean... I don't need much prompting to chatter away about any old subject 😂.

SO, getting my calendar in order and prep'ing my next two Tando projects, suddenly cleared my mind and time and I was able to investigate some off my other interests.

Lou Withers (her facebook page) has been doing a daily 'Moodle' live on her facebook page at 12:00 and it's been wonderfully colourful and liberating. Its a Mindful Doodle = Moodle. Lou talks you through some semi abstract pattens, inks them and then guides you gently through colouring them. You are free to let your pencil and pens do your own thing, but she leads the way if you've never come across this form before. I've loved every one I've been lucky to catch. I haven't managed to paint them all yet, but they are something I will take on holiday with me as all I need is my watercolours or pencils, as I love to colour my own art, as they are unique. Here's the few I've done so far:

I've also discovered Jane Davenport in the last few weeks. I'm already part of Tamara Laporte's Lifebook classes (also on facebook) and am learning so much, but Jane is giving me a different slant on a few things. I bought her book 'Beautiful faces' and it's teaching me loads about proportion and placement (although I knew a fair amount - you wouldn't believe the problem I have with noses on a turned face!) and it's teaching me about shadowing better too. Google/YouTube them both if you are interested in drawing whimsical type people and animals. It really is easier than you think. Here's just this weeks progression:

I find that although my art leads me down one path - I'm really pulled to sketching and painting faces at the moment - it doesn't detract from my usual creations, in fact it adds a layer of learning, that makes the whole creative process more enjoyable. So don't worry if you are pulled towards a different creative process, enjoy the journey and watch how it spills over into other areas of your art. The 'new thing' you try may not be for you, but at least you tried, and who knows where it will lead. No learning is wasted👍

Enjoy your weekend peeps. If you are stuck creatively, maybe try something new. YouTube is full of videos to introduce you to something new.

Stay safe everyone

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