Tuesday 15 August 2023

Tando ATC matchbox - Arachnophobia by Kim

 Today we are using the Tando ATC Matchbox and Cards and Coins set. 

First, put your ATC box together and paint all surfaces. I used DecoArt Lamp Black on the matchbox, and DecoArt Black Gesso on the cards.

I wanted to create a spooky feel to this project and there are always spiders lurking in the woods. On the main surface of the matchbox I created a misty woods scene. I started by dry-brushing the mysterious distant light with DecoArt Indian Turquoise. 

To dry-brush you need a fairly firm bristle flat brush. Dip the brush in the paint and make sure the bristles are loaded, then wipe the brush on a paper towel until nearly all the paint has been removed - you really do need it to be dry! Lightly draw the brush across the surface so that the barest minimum of paint is left on the surface. It is better to apply more light coats than a single heavy application. Practice on a spare piece of greyboard if necessary.

The distant glow was created by choosing a centre point for the glow and dry brushing outwards from it so that I got 'rays' radiating. These rays got fainter the farther out they travelled. 

Next, I added some creepy, distant trees and bushes by dry-brushing the shapes lightly with Lamp Black over the turquoise. Then a little more turquoise 'rays' to push the trees back into the woods. 

Paint foreground trees with Lamp Black, with a few additional 'rays' in Whispering Turquoise. Finish with a small white dot in the centre of the light source.

To frame the picture I used one of Fiona's small ornate frames, chopped to make two 'L' shapes (sorry Fiona!) and painted gold.

I repeated the spooky turquoise rays on either side, but without the woods.

I used the small hanging web spider from the Grab bag of Spiders set for the main surface. It was painted Lamp Black with small white highlights and Zinc grey detail. One one side I used the large round spider, but had to trim the legs at the edge of the box. On the last side I used the small creeping spider.

I used white and creepy lettering to add text to the sides. I snuck the small round spider in the bottom of the drawer just for fun.

The ATC cards were painted with black gesso and, when dry, a very watery mix of Zinc was layered over the top giving a creepy look. I found some fear-relevant quotes and hand lettered the cards.

(Image inspired by the work of Jane Font (Painting with Jane)


Tando ATC Matchbox set: ATCMTCHBOX
Fiona's Ornate Frames set, small: FRORNTFRMMEDSML
Tando Grab bag of Spiders: GRBBGSPDERS
DecoArt Americana colours:
    Lamp Black
    Indian Turquoise
    Whispering Turquoise
    Titanium White
    Venetian Gold
    Black Gesso

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