It was made by ~{Leann}~ from one of the pages in a ~{Tando Ring Binder}~. It really is stunning.
You can see how she made it by clicking the link on her name above. Leann has discovered, like we have, that it really is sturdy stuff and can take a battering!
Thanks for the entry Leann.
You still have a couple of days to enter the monthly competition and if your name is chosen by random, you will receive some Tando goodies. The only rule is to make something with a piece of Tando chipboard.
what a fab idea - great piece Leann..
It is gorgeous, such a creative idea.
wow this is very vintage and modern at the same time - I love it!
This is such a fab idea Leanne, I can feel a few of these coming on for Christmas prezzies. xx
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