Saturday 7 November 2020

Project: Lockdown #2 (or Project: Artist in Residence)

Happy Saturday evening creative creatures. How do you like the titles? mmmmm a work in progress perhaps...

Here at the Tando Underground Bunker for the creatively insane, we've been coming up with ideas to keep everyone crafting and creating while we are all staying safe at home. While we all have a stash of craft goodies, we don't always remember what we wanted to do with them by the time we get them home! Or remember what the last workshop we attended showed us how to do... but it sounded good at the time right?

We think we may have come up with a solution... bear with us, as, like the title, its an evolving project, and we hope that you will be as much a part of the evolution as us... we'd love to hear your ideas too, but more of that in a mo...

The initial ideas are these:

- become your own artist in residence and use the time at home to immerse yourself as an artist.

- Have a temporary (or permenant) Installation. i.e. somewhere to see/honour/appreciate/enjoy your art. A simple shelf, window sill, a wall, the corner of the sideboard.

- Make something using what you have already in your stash, with influences from wherever you like - the DT, each other or other artists/creators.

- this project is intended to be short term, so no pressure. Take part or just read the blog and fb pages, entirely your choice.

- we aren't just talking about paint here. If you want to make and share something in clay go for it, if you want to play with soft fabrics or sketch something or play with watercolour, do that too.  Create and use what calls to you, share it if you want to.

- if you, the creator, has an idea, shout it out. If you want to know how something is done, ask. Challenge your comfort zone. We might even do a couple of lives if they don't exist already 👍

Celia and I (Jan) will be starting off this Saturday evening blog, but any of the DT team and Di could be jumping in at any time with their thoughts/ideas/projects.

But we want to hear from you too. So if you have a blog, feel free to give a little intro and post a link to it on the Facebook group: Tando Creative Zone. We'll be tagging this page from the fb groups once the weekly post is live.

Let's keep each others spirits lifted during this very different year 💜

Project #1 : create an 'Artist in Residence' plaque for your door/back of your chair/ tshirt 👍

Here's mine.

And this is my ‘Installation’ where I will keep my pieces for the month. A little shelf in my craft room (spot the Comfy Pyjama Retreat projects already there?)


Shirmalorgan said...

What a lovely idea! I loved the pj llama retreat in residence recently and really look forward to another in the not too distant future. I haven’t quite finished all of mine yet but that’s the greatest thing in my opinion cos I can do it at my own pace....��

Shirley Morgan

Jan said...

So glad you enjoyed it Shirley. Please share your makes when you have finished them ❤️

Karin said...

What a fabulous idea. I too loved the pj retreat, and here's the bonus with the online retreat ........ I didn't feel very well over that weekend if it had been at a venue I wouldn't have been able to attend any of the classes at leisure which I now have that option to do.
I shall make myself a plaque 😊 x