Tuesday 1 February 2022

Bend it like ... technique by Kim

 Have you ever needed a bit of a curve on your greyboard? It's pretty stiff and won't normally bend.

When putting together the new roundabout, spinney, roundy-round thingy, released by Tando Creative in February (2022), I really needed to have curved panels. So this is how I did it.

  • I had a set of Tando Creative Mixed Media Boards, which when cut in half lengthways, were just the right size and shape

  • Mixed Media Boards
    Extra bracing struts

  • To get the right size bend I measured the diameter of the circle I needed the panel for, the searched my home for something of the same diameter to use as a 'former'. One of my saucepans was just right! (Actually I made the diameter slightly smaller than needed as the board will tend to ease open a bit when released)
  • With a damp (not wet) sponge I wiped both sides of the board and let it absorb the moisture. Add it a little at a time so as not to make the board soggy.


  • When you can feel the board is able to flex, gradually form the bend with your fingers.
  • When you have a bend started all the way along the piece, lash it to your former. I used a piece of a tie-back, but ribbon, string (be careful not to dent the board), elastic bands, may work for you depending on the size.

  • Once it is secure leave it to dry. I found two hours at room temperature was OK, longer would be better, but I am impatient!
Once dry glue it in position as you would with other greyboard pieces. Because there was little support I had to add some bracing struts.

For information, this curve was around a 160mm saucepan, slightly tighter than needed by it allowed for the board to 'spring' when released. The tightest curve I have done is around an 85mm milk bottle. It may be worth practicing with a piece of waste board.

(To work out the distance round (circumference - C ) the Thingy, I used my school-boy maths, C=2 π r.
Which is 2 x 3.142 x 90mm (radius, half the diameter) = 565.5mm or slightly over 22 inches. 

The mixed media boards are 138mm (5.4 inches) long, so two boards cut in half lengthways, giving four lengths is just short of 22 inches)

Items used:

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